Hands On Organizing Support

Need 1:1 organizing support?

We offer one-on-one decluttering and organizing support. Working alongside you, we provide advice, motivation, and people power to remove clutter from your home and design organized systems and spaces. Support can be offered in person* or over Zoom.

During our time together, based on your needs, we can:

  • Declutter

  • Move items to more proper, logical locations within your home

  • Design systems

  • Discuss home routines such laundry, bill payment, calendar + time management, and task management

We focus on your priorities each session. At the start of our engagement and each following session, we will align on a plan based on your priorities - which we know can shift from day to day.


  • Sessions at/under 2 hours: $80/hour

  • Sessions at/over 2.25 hours: $75/hour

Given our focus on simplifying lives through simplifying homes, we prioritize working with clients ready to embrace a minimalist lifestyle. You must be ready to declutter to work with us!

*In person support is only available within 20 miles of Baltimore, Maryland.


Contact us here: